2021 GoldenCrown金戴獎聯合發起人招募说明
截止日: 2021年6月20日14時
2021 GoldenCrown金戴国际设计奖,将于2021年7月正式对外发布。根据大赛组委会有关政策,将接受ID-A正式会员成为本年度大赛的联合发起人。
Ⅰ. 联合发起人数量:
① 仅100名联合发起人资格(独立设计师或机构)。
Ⅱ. 联合发起人条件:ID-A正式会员。
Ⅲ. 联合发起人权益:
① 联合发起人证书(加盖钢印纸质证书);
② 联合发起人名称及标识在大赛海报及相关推文上体现;
③ 本年度参赛作品(1件)免费提交资格;
④ 不少于10个媒体的曝光机会;
Ⅳ. 联合发起人申请
① 联合发起人申请表需在截止日前发送到ID-A的指定接收邮箱 ida_1997@163.com
② 答疑联络: 189-4877-1114 微信: IDA-1997 www.gc-cn.org
Ⅴ. ID-A会员费说明:
(1) 企业会员: ① 有效期1年,会费RMB1000元;② 有效期5年,会费RMB2500元;③ 有效期终身,会费RMB5000元;
(2) 个人会员: ① 有效期1年,会费RMB500元;② 有效期5年,会费RMB1500元;③ 有效期终身,会费RMB3000元;
* 仅支持支付宝缴纳费用,支付宝账号: 189-4877-1114
( 认准GoldenCrown®标识 )并备注名称。
国际设计师 (香港) 协会(ID-A)
IDA Professional Technology Qualification Assessment Committee.
* 对本次赛事规则产生的任何疑议,组织方保留最终解释权,与本次设计奖有关的任何未尽事宜,均由组织方进一步制定规则并进行解释。
→ 联合发起人申报表
→ ID-A会员申报表
2021 GoldenCrown International Design Award
Description of Invitation of Co-sponsors
The 2021 GoldenCrown International Design Award will be officially published in July 2021. Full ID-A members will be accepted as co-sponsors of this year’s competition according to the relevant policies of the organizing committee.
Ⅰ. Number of co-sponsors:
①Only 100 co-sponsors (independent designers or institutions).
Ⅱ.Requirements for co-sponsor: Full ID-A member.
Ⅲ. Interests of co-sponsor:
①Certificate of co-sponsor (paper certificate with embossed stamp);
②Reflection of the name (abbreviated) and the logo of co-sponsor in the poster and related tweets of the competition;
③Free submission of entries (1 item) of this year;
④No less than 10 exposure opportunities in media;
Ⅳ. Application for co-sponsor
①The co-sponsor application form shall be sent to the specified email address ida_1997@163.com of ID-A before the deadline
② Help and contact phone: 189-4877-1114 WeChat: IDA-1997 www.gc-cn.org
Ⅴ.Description of ID-A membership fee:
(1) Corporate member:
①The membership is valid for 1 year, and the membership fee is RMB 1000;②The membership is valid for 5 years, and the membership fee is RMB 2500;③The membership is valid for a lifetime, and the membership fee is RMB 5000;
(2) Individual member:
①The membership is valid for 1 year, and the membership fee is RMB 500;②The membership is valid for 5 years, and the membership fee is RMB 1500;③The membership is valid for a lifetime, and the membership fee is RMB 3000;
* Alipay is the only means of payment. The Alipay account for payment is:: 189-4877-1114
(Identify the mark GoldenCrown®) and note the name.
International Designer (Hong Kong) Association(ID-A)
Organizing Committee of GoldenCrown® International Design Award
IDA Professional Technology Qualification Assessment Committee.
* The organizer reserves the right of final interpretation for any doubts arising from the rules of this contest. For any uncovered matters related to this Design Award, the organizer will further formulate rules and explain them.
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