Royalties最初由Publicis Worldwide和Eurogroup Consulting于2008年以Publicis Royalties的名义成立,现在由三个创始合伙人David Jobin,Olivier Bontemps和Alexandre de Coupigny独立拥有。自2008年以来,Royalties已服务包括Atos,Castorama,BHV,C&A,Deutsch Telekom,Groupama-Gan,法国广播电台,蒙特卡洛的贝恩德贝恩银行,法国兴业银行等公司的视觉系统合作。
We are a brand management agency created in 2008.
Our team is like a family – a family of creative geeks, financial analysts, digital native speakers and marketing strategists. We share our skills to define your brand strategy and codes, for internal audiences through to end customers, via innovative ideas, design and language.
The ultimate goal? To improve your brand’s attractiveness on the market, multiply your stakeholders and nurture client desire.