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  • SomeOne 认领




    地址:英国 伦敦,67 Leonard Street London EC2A 4QS


    电话:+44 20 7613 1568



    位于伦敦的Someone设计公司是一家英国著名的品牌设计公司,2005年由三位共同创始人Simon Manchipp, David Law和Gary Hold携手创立。Someone因为2012伦敦奥运会视觉图形的设计工作被人所熟知,其服务的客户都是如雷贯耳的大品牌,但他们却一直只保持15人的小型创作团队。


    Over the past decade we’ve heard businesses ask us the same question, ‘I know we need to change, I know you can make things attractive, but how can we make it stick?’ This conundrum is the biggest strategic challenge facing modern brands and SomeOne’s specialist subject.

    We make change pay for brands in all sectors, all countries, all of the time.

    We invent brands with clients. Or re-invent them ready for new business challenges. We do branding, not blanding.

    We don’t change symbols, we create symbols of change.

    Unlike large, traditional groups, working with SomeOne means you meet and work with the people who actually do the work. Direct contact with SomeOne’s creative minds means ideas flow more freely, which is important as great brands need great opinions. We don’t fit projects into pre-determined processes, we create bespoke teams around each project.

    Ideas excite us, they shape the future, add value and signal change. We’ve moved from being a cost, to an asset. We help organisations, products and services profit from change. That’s why we concentrate on creating Big Ideas first, then go about making them beautifully. We often create monopolies for brands by employing creativity to connect business strategy with memorable and adaptive visual executions.

    by Weii


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