  • 新闻频道

  • 特色频道

  • 热门国家和地区

  • 热门品牌

  • Manual Creative 认领




    地址:美国 旧金山,Manual 2475 Third Street, Suite 247 San Francisco CA 94107


    电话:+1 415 932 6369




    We translate.
    We come with wide eyes and open ears. Through curiosity, observation, inquiry, and carefully considered creative strategy, we help define what’s unique about your brand, product, or destination. We then translate your unique traits into beautifully designed experiences and artful expressions that inspire audiences, elicit actions, and leave a lasting impression.

    We understand the bigger picture.
    Logos don’t forge emotional connections. Visual narratives do. We believe your brand can’t fully succeed without your image being instantly recognizable. We approach brand building with a holistic mindset. We consider not just the foundational elements of logo and graphic design systems, but equally importantly, your brand’s art direction and visual expression principles across digital and physical.

    We employ a balanced approach.
    We balance strategy with intuition, function with beauty, technology with the tactile, and longevity with contemporary relevance.

    We’re obsessive and driven.
    We’re driven by the challenges of brand identity design in a constantly changing context. Never satisfied with ‘good enough’, we’re restless until we land on design concepts that are so well formed and informed, that they appear effortless and inevitable.

    by Weii


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